Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Advocate Online

Welcome to the Advocate online. The Advocate, a regional newspaper and later a regional magazine was created by ECCRC on July 4, 2006 and ran as a community service until Januray, 2008. The Advocate covered regional news and feature stories mainly for Eastern Cowley County. The Advocate is back online, its new Blog starting on January 27, 2009.

The form will be simple at first. The online feature is all new to Editor/Publisher, Lynn Pettigrew Norris. "Photos will be added as I learn how to do all of this online stuff," said Norris. "It is important to keep our part of the County informed and in the news. We have individuals who still have big dreams as entropreneuers. Some have already started their new businesses," said Norris. The Advocate has always featured all the new local businesses. It also has a history of showcasing the area non-profits who have limited budgets for advertising.
The Advocate will feature many local writers who have offered informative stories. There will be some new feature columns as time goes on. The Advocate will also showcase the ECCRC Lighthouse Library project, a community library being built by ECCRC, a 501-C non-profit community resource center. ECCRC moved its offices from Burden where it started in 2003.
The new office is on the Lighthouse Library site at 104 S. Main in Dexter. The first structure nearing completion is the "Grouse Valley Lodge" which doubles as the ECCRC offices until other structures are completed. The 20,000 book collection is in storage until the structure is completed. A crew of a dozen helpers is coming the first week in March to frame up "The Treasure Chest" variety store builing. Once this structure is completed, the Basic Computer Workshops can resume. Many people have asked about this service. We hope to be able to offer the first workshop by the first of May.
Volunteers are needed and welcome. The back lodge is ready to do the finish work. Anyone who can do sheetrock or painting or lay flooring and carpet are asked to help get the office opened. (620) 212-8582 - to volunteer. We need a crew to help pour the floor for the store. This will be a one-day, three hour committment.
One addition to the Advocate will be recipes. You are all welcome to submit your favorite recipes in the recipe column. There will also be a posting about area grocery stores. Anything to do with food will be included in this section.
As time goes on, the format will be determined. Isn't it amazing how technology offers us the opportunity to read and share and learn together? We have come a long way since the manual typewriters of the 1960's. By the time I got into high school, they were just putting electric typewriters into the schools (mid-1970's).
Thank you for stopping in to check out the Advocate online. Please feel free to make a post or to submit your news for us to post. To submit news articles and/or photos, e-mail to: easterncowleycountyadvocate@yahoo.com If you have questions about ECCRC or the Lighthouse Library project, please e-mail us at: eccresourcecenter@yahoo.com ECCRC, PO Box 40, Dexter, KS 67038j. As always, your tax-deductible donations are needed to keep ECCRC services going to the community and to keep the library building project going.
Check back later after we get some news posted. Stay warm! Today most of the local schools are closed due to a sheet of ice with snow on top of that. Someone once said, "Snowdays: God's gift to teachers." May everyone stay safe and stay warm. Don't forget to check on your neighbors.